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Kahán Art Space Vienna

Anna Hulačová: "Bugonia and Alien Bees"

Kahán Art Space Vienna

The Dr. Eva Kahan Foundation is pleased to announce the first Austrian exhibition of the Czech artist Anna Hulačová opening at the Kahan Art Space Vienna on January 30th. The exhibition is curated by Michal Novotný, director of the Collection of Art after 1945 at the National Gallery, Prague.

The solo show of Anna Hulačová (1984, Sušice) revolves around the topic of beekeeping. In equilibrating both its utopian and dystopian sentiments, Hulačová creates figurative sculptures of hybrid bodies that combine both the technological and organic in form and material. Her thinking grows not only theoretically but also practically from agriculture, with a soft approach to technology and a precise and personal relationship to matter. Her sculptures freely draw on the history of Czech folklore and socialist concrete sculptures in addition to 1990s Western esotericism, UFOs and crop circle iconology. These diverse resources create visual roots that testify to the many contradictions in our definition and relation to nature.

The exhibition is conceived in collaboration with the National Gallery Prague.

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  • Anna Hulačová: "Bugonia and Alien Bees"
    Anna Hulačová: "Bugonia and Alien Bees"
    Kahán Art Space Vienna